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Vitamin D – General Questions

Supplements & Intake

> Vitamin D Intake (Sun, Supplements & Diet) <> Magnesium <> Omega-3 from Supplements & Diet <

 Testing & Levels

> General <> Vitamin D <> Magnesium <> Omega-3s <> Inflammation (CRP & AA:EPA Ratio) <> Mercury <

Testing Options
Research Questions

Vitamin D – General Questions

Basic information to start with vitamin D
How common is vitamin D deficiency?
Is vitamin D intake more important than serum level?
Why do I need to supplement with vitamin D? Isn’t it stored in my fat for use?
Does rickets even still exist?
What is vitamin D toxicity?

Supplements & Intake

Vitamin D Intake (Sun, Supplements & Diet)

Why is taking vitamin D3 daily important?
What does the body do with the vitamin D we make or take?
What is the difference between vitamin D2 and D3 (with blood levels)?
What is the difference between vitamin D2 and D3?
How do I determine how much vitamin D to take?
How much vitamin D should I keep taking?
Why is it important to take vitamin D daily?
Why is it important to get more than the minimum recommended level of vitamin D?
How much vitamin D is too much?
How much vitamin D should I take?
Should vitamin D be taken with a meal?
Is topical vitamin D effective?
Can I get enough vitamin D without taking supplements?
Can you get enough vitamin D from sun and food alone?
Can I get enough vitamin D from sun and UV only?
Can you get enough vitamin D from sun alone?
How much sun should I get for vitamin D?
Why is sun exposure important?
Can artificial sources of UV (ex. sun lamps) raise vitamin D levels?
Can I get enough vitamin D from my diet?
What foods have vitamin D (as D2 and D3)?
What foods contain vitamin D?
What is wrong with current medical recommendation for vitamin D?
Am I taking too much vitamin D?
Can vitamin D be toxic (part 1)?
Can vitamin D be toxic (part 2)?
How much vitamin D is toxic?
Can vitamin D stored in my fat be toxic?
Is it ok for people with granulomatous disorders to take vitamin D?
Can I take vitamin D if I have primary hyperparathyroidism?
Is it true that vitamin D supplementation can cause kidney stones?
Can taking vitamin D cause an imbalance in other nutrients?
What is the difference between IU and mcg on my vitamin D supplement label?


Does it matter what magnesium supplement I take?
What is the difference between the different forms of magnesium in supplements?

Omega-3 from Supplements & Diet

How much omega-3 do I need?
What is the right dose of omega-3 for me?
How much omega-3s (DHA + EPA) do I need to reach an Omega-3 Index of 8%?
How do I maintain a healthy Omega-3 Index?
How do I choose an omega-3 supplement, and what is the difference between fish vs krill vs algal oil?
How do I tell how much omega-3s are in my supplement?
Can I get enough omega-3s from my diet alone?
Most people do not eat enough fish!
What types of fish are the best sources of omega-3s?
Does weight affect omega-3 dose response?
Do fish oils increase the risk of bleeding?

Testing & Levels


What do I do with my results?
What are some tricks for completing my blood spot test?
How do I do a good blood spot test?
What is the difference between the reference range and optimal range?

Vitamin D

Is my vitamin D level too high?
What causes a low vitamin D response?
What else might affect my vitamin D level?
Magnesium & Vitamin K2
Vitamin C
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B6
Vitamin K2
How do I determine how much vitamin D to take and when to re-test?
Why is it important to test vitamin D twice per year?
Why is the time of day of the vitamin D test important?
Do vitamin D levels fluctuate throughout the day?
What are co-nutrients?


What factors affect my magnesium level besides supplementation?
How common is magnesium deficiency?


How do I improve my Omega-3 Index?

Inflammation (CRP & AA:EPA Ratio)

How can I lower my CRP level?
How do I lower my CRP result through diet?
Can taking vitamin D & omega-3s help lower inflammation?
What types of supplements can help reduce inflammation?


What do I do about a high mercury level?

Testing Options

What is the difference between hsCRP and AA:EPA Ratio for inflammation?
What is the AA:EPA Ratio?
What is hsCRP?
What is the difference between my Omega-3 Index, omega-6:omega-3 ratio and AA:EPA ratio?
What is the relationship between the Omega-3 Index, omega-6:omega-3 ratio and AA:EPA ratio?
Is vitamin D testing necessary, and why is it important to test?

Research Questions

What does the p value mean on your charts?
Why is answering the questionnaire so important?
How do I interpret vitamin D research on my own?
What is an example of a poor conclusion from vitamin D research?

INDEPENDENCE DAY SALE! Get 15% off your home test kit now through July 7. Use code JULY24. Not valid on the T1D Prevention kit. Sale ends Sunday, July 7th at 11:59pm PST